Friday, September 17, 2004

ah, last night was a doozy of an 8 pitcher evening. nachos, 2 baskets of wings, 2 baskets of fries. emily took pictures. a pic-post soon, perhaps?

next week we are promised arts and crafts. jeremy says he's giving us his leaf collection. what?

i drank too much beer and left my keys on the table. ben joined us. flan didn't have to be sober cab. a long walk home was had by all.

we missed you, mike. happy friday.

Friday, September 10, 2004

heidi and evan may tell you that they won best 2 out of 3 games of pool, but that's total bullshit.

paul may even back them up, but that's just because he has an intense inner hatred of anyone wearing aviator sunglasses. bad experience with top gun, or somesuch. garvey and i may not have won, but we certainly didn't lose, and aviators are hot. that is all i will say.

we played a total of 30 songs on the jukebox last night. i couldn't even tell you if we stayed for all of them. mike's on his way back to az at present, and i for one wish him a safe journey full of classic rock. it's good to know that he had 2 baskets of chicken wings to send him off.

the shocking revelation that jeremy *gasp* is going to stop working thursdays and maybe switch to wednesdays is something we will deal with in due time. for now we'll just have to appreciate the time we have left together and hold on to the memories. sigh.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I am amused by the girltalk, though it is much easier because whenever there is too much girltalk, Paul and Evan and I start talking about strategy games. It works. It's good to be home.

Friday, September 03, 2004

it's official.

though thursday night at the tap has occurred frequently throughout the summer months, last night we actually went to the tap after a tape rehearsal. well, cara and paul went after tape rehearsal. the rest of us were there before they even finished.

mike and flan are here, which is lovely and right, although sometimes i think mike is sad that TAT occasionally gets overtaken by girltalk.

did anything of note happen last night? oh RIGHT! FREE BEEF NACHOS! which we never would have tried otherwise, and which proved to be just as lovely as the chicken (also, spicier. mmmm) also, tons of good music. i can't wait until we have internet in our house and i have a computer so i can update this when it was meant to be updated: between bar close and the tipsy shower.

Friday, August 13, 2004

just need everyone to know...

that i have jeremy's phone number

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Two of my favorite things were combined tonight: Beer and the Grand Canyon. One of the lodges at the canyon has a back porch where you can sit, drink your beer, and watch the sun set. It's one of the best things around. Also, they have dark chocolate mousse tacos that you can get, which Flannery did. So with a beer in my hand and chocolate mousse in hers, we watched the sun set over the Grand Canyon.

In reality, this is just an enticement to come and visit me, because it looks like I'll be here for a 3-month gig watchin some more condors. Possibly longer too. But I just got offered a job, so I think I'm going to take it.

Rock. Back the 26th of August, which happens to be a Thursday. Guess where we'll be that night. There'd better be company too...

Thursday, July 29, 2004

things found scribbled on a beer soaked receipt:

"the saudi's are all like 'you can't build a mosque with more minarets than mecca!' and the ottoman's are like 'yeah, well suck it."   -evan

"he's the best boyfriend ever!" -kate, on evan purchasing satc dvds
"no....he's just swiss"  -sudha

"wait--you don't have to wear helmets. do you wear the reflective vest i gave you?"  -elizabeth, on drunk biking

other highlights: jeremy throwing a chair across the bar; the broken door in the ladies room (sketchiness abounds), an exaggerated reaction to my order of the night--a diet coke.

being sober cab was never so lovely.

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