Friday, April 30, 2004

for the record, my quote should actually have been:
"it goes something like this: who has 2 thumbs and likes blow jobs? THIS guy. only it doesn't work for me." this was obviously lifted from a much funnier friend, who probably got it from a much funnier someone else;) BEST tap after tape ever. even in my bad mood. (sweet jesus. i definitely just watched a mouse crawl out of my room under the door WITHOUT screaming. i must be drunk.) such craziness. tomorrow night with jeremy is a MUST. 3 free pitchers of leinies red is enought to make me...well, i'll try spare you and be marginally appropriate for once. TAFMATFRP (Tap After "Forgotten: Murder At The Ford Rouge Plant") love to all! night night...
The best TAT ever. It started when I said, "Hi Jeremy!" Then he told us about his new earthshoes for like ten mintues, and came back later to tell us that he'd just realized that he didn't know our names. We all shook hands, Jana was last and he said, "And I'm just gonna call you Flashdance." So much greatness tonight, Flannery spilled her Coke on herself, we got charged for 3 pitchers less than we drank, Jeremy told us that he "runs this place on Friday nights," where are we? So we all have plans for tomorrow. We ate 2 orders of BBQ chicken wings, holy fucking god, BBQ chicken wings. With blue cheese or ranch dip, to suit your preference. And onion rings, Evan's favorite, rings and wings, rings and wings.

Things that got written in my notebook:

"Ffff.....shit!" Jeremy trying to remember Flannery's name.

"I am not responsible for what my parents did nine months before I was born." -Evan

"I'm serious, my handwriting when I'm drunk is FUCKED UP." -Lindsay

"I was thinking, I think one of hte reasons that Henry Ford is so weird is that he named his son Edsel." -Evan


Jana: "This is why you eat before you go out drinking."
Lindsay: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Who has 2 thumbs up and likes blow jobs? This guy. But that doesn't work for me." -Jana
"Well it could." -Flannery

"Do people think I'm pretentious?" -Evan Kennedy

"We just think you're drunk right now." -Mike to Evan

"Put a song on the jukebox bitch." -Lindsay, to the tune of Sk8R Boi

Shit you guys, I cannot read the last thing I wrote down. Here is what it looks like:

"It's hard to say out ch whyy your saong to ta tehtrop hotch." -Paul. Does anyone remember what this was?

Oh I remember! I figured it out, but am not earsing the last part for your amusement.

"It's hard to be pretentious when you're singing into a ketchup bottle." -Paul.

I LOVE YOU, TAT FOREVER! I LOVE YOU! Hugs and kisses to all, I'm going to sleep.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

needing tap after tape so badly i could scream. its only a matter of hours, but it seems so far away.

Friday, April 23, 2004

everything is right with the world tonight. the tap was perfect. we sat at our table. jeremy laughed, smiled, and gave us free beer. evan sang U2 into a ketchup bottle. lindsay was there and beaming. the only way it could have been better is if a mulleted man had sung to us. as it stands, long thursdays need tap after tape. and i am fully and completely grateful that i get to spend one night a week with such wonderful friends.

Friday, April 16, 2004

Jeremy seems to have disapeared, which is so disappointing. Kate won by a landslide in the "biggest nerd of a boyfriend," and if you need to know the reason, just Google Paul sometime and click on any link about Tecmo Super Bowl (You can even hit "I'm Feeling Lucky"). Then you will understand. When the old, extremely drunk man came up to us and sang "I Walk The Line," all I could think was "It's so sad that Lindsay is not here for this." He had a remarkably decent voice, especially considering the quantity of alcohol that he must have consumed. It also seems like the jukebox must have gotten fixed, as there were 5 Johnny Cash songs in a row very shortly after he serenaded us. (Lots of other good songs tonight too...) Also, they were out of Leinie's Original, or at least the tap wasn't working, so we had to pay full price for Red. Oh Jeremy, where are you.

And to Lindsay: Next time that you're missing, we'll ask for an extra glass that we'll leave empty as a symbol of your importance to us. But with luck, you will not be missing again. Good luck with the capstone! We're all here for you (though we're currently in various mental states)
sigh. what a glorious tap after tape. kate and sudha joined us, which left me the 7th wheel (what?) but exstatic nonetheless, because they are both wonderful. there was a "whose boyfriend is the biggest nerd" competition, and honestly, i can't say who won. it's pretty close between the 3 of them (flannery included, of course.) jeremy was absent (again!) but we managed to have a swaying old man sing us johnny cash, which, needless to say, was completely priceless. i missed lindsay like mad, and i hope the capstone is turning out well (*kiss to you, sweetie*) i didn't flash the waiter, and i swear, that was an accomplishment. to the tipsy shower with me. wishing tap after tape love to all!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

I wish I was at the Tap, but I'm at the library, tappity typing away at my capstone which is due tomorrow. Or Monday but I have to finish it tomorrow, I have to I have to I have to......

Oh, the nachos I am not eating! The pints of Leinie's I am not tipsilly peeing out in the bathroom!

Next week, kids, I swear.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Things I learned today:
1. Being sick sucks.
2. The only ways to get out of my federal loans are to die or become permanently disabled.
3. My capstone paper nearly final draft is due one week from tomorrow.
4. My capstone presentation is one week after that, and the final paper is due one week after that.
5. Choir drama sucks.
6. Thursday can't come soon enough.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Last night turned out to be a more mellow Tap After Tape than most... I was hyper at the start, having just gone to see Rockapella live. They totally rocked my pella, and I was very exuberant through the first pint or so, standing up and jostling the neon signs in the window more than once. But the crappy waiter, and the flaccid fries, and the cold corner booth by the door.... To the sounds of Chumbawumba we pounded through three pitchers, mostly out of boredom, which converted into a lot of talk aboutthe Doc Mo/Sex Bo(m)b changeover and choir in general. Flannery drew the line when we started getting picky about identifying vocal qualities of individual choir members. I think I slept through the whole ride home. On the plus side, I seem to have acquired a new pint glass.

If the WABATAT blog existed, (Working At Breadsmith After Tap After Tape), every post would be this:

05:48:31 AM - I cannot believe I am awake. I am going to die. Where is my coffee. Would you like that sliced?
i suppose there should be much to say tonight--lindsay is a burper and we all used to be theatre nerds of some sort. but jeremy was away, our waiter was a butt who used to date some ditz who sat behind lindsay in one of her high school classes, and there is just too much choral drama for 3 beers to make me as smiley as they normally do. i wish love and hugs and good sleeping to the TAT crowd. time to shower away the smoke in typical tipsy fashion. next week, perhaps?

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